Patricia Thangaraj
yes, we want to be a part of this wider programme that had as its aim the improvement of safety and health throughout Barbados.
The Republic Bank of Barbados has received high praises for the efforts they have taken towards ensuring that their staff engages in environmentally friendly practices.
Speaking to the media recently at the Bank’s Broad Street location, Errol Goodridge, Safety and Health Officer at the Labour Department said that thus far, all of the reports that they have received indicate that the Bank is moving along the right path when it comes to ensuring that their “Going Green Campaign” complies with the Safety and Health at Work (SHaW) Act 2005.
“Thus far, we don’t have any reports that would suggest that they are not doing as we would expect them to do. In terms of the programme, we applaud them because they are one of the first companies when we launched this initiative way back in 2013, to come forward and say, ‘yes, we want to be a part of this wider programme that had as its aim the improvement of safety and health throughout Barbados.”
Furthermore, they have also taken the step of educating the future generation on the importance of greening, he stated. “Of course, this greening campaign, where they are focusing on the environment is a natural outgrowth of all of that because you focus on your indoor environment and now you are focusing on your outside environment, and you are even targeting the young children as it were, so that you are assisting in a cultural change towards the promotion of safety and health. That is something at the Labour Department that we really applaud them for and we hope to continue to work with them, as they seek to continue to maintain high standards of safety and health in the workplace.”
Susan Torry, General Manager Operations at Republic Bank, Barbados, said that this “Going Green 2017” project is something that they are very proud of. “We are very proud of this initiative. It has been in the making for a long time and our committees have been working very hard in putting it together, even from the perspective of adopting the school; working with the school for us to launch the Going Green Campaign at a school – and a primary school at that, so that we have the young kids enrolled in the whole Going Green initiative for the Bank.”
She said that they do not plan on stopping here, but will seek further ways in which they as an organisation can go even greener. “The Bank continues to look at ways to include green initiatives in everything that we do,” from recycling paper to looking at solar panels for electricity savings, which is something that they will be looking at implementing at all of their locations.