The Vice President of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados (HSFB) Inc., Dr. Kenneth Connell is throwing out a challenge to all of the media houses in this island – always have an automated external defibrillator (AED) in your company vehicles.
Speaking to the media yesterday during a press briefing with the CEO, he said that since the reporters, photographers and videographers are always on the go, attending various events and intermingling with persons of all backgrounds, it would be beneficial for them to have this portable electronic device that measures the heartbeat on hand and also have these members of the media trained in how to use this machine in the event that an emergency should arise at one of the events that they are covering.
“You attend several media events – some health related and some not health related. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you had an AED in your possession in the event that if you arrive at one of these functions, that you can say ‘well, we do have an AED?’ You spend most of your day moving from location to location at various events and as adult users, all members of the media houses should be skilled in the use of an AED. If you arrive at the scene and there is an incident, you can get assistance from those present at the scene, but you have an AED on site.”
He went on to state that this is especially important considering the high incidences of persons living with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well as the number of sudden deaths that have occurred as a result and while it is in keeping with international figures, it is still a cause for concern.
Therefore, having the media houses carry one of these devices would send a strong message to the public of Barbados.
“So that is my challenge to the media in Barbados ,with the NCD burden and the number of sudden cardiac deaths that we’ve had – which although is in keeping with what we would expect internationally – it still has caused a lot of public concern. Wouldn’t it be a strong message if the media houses of this country all had AEDs in their transport vehicles so that when they arrive at the scene, they can say with confidence, ‘we have an AED and we can assist’ and also training. So that now that you have the device with you, wouldn’t it be even better if all members of your organization were trained in the use of the AED. That would send a strong message to the public.” (PJT)