President of the Canadian Labour Congress and President of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas Hassan Yussuf says the BWU structure must be reviewed.
As it celebrates its 75th year, the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) must take a critical look at its structure to ensure it remains relevant in today’s world.
This was the opinion shared by President of the Canadian Labour Congress and President of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, Hassan Yussuff, while delivering the feature address at yesterday’s opening of the BWU’s 75th Annual Delegates Conference at Solidarity House.
He commented that it was the work of the union that helped to shape the country, as Independence could never have happened without the workers’ fight for their rights, and therefore insisted that its structures and policies be reviewed.
“Seventy-five years ago, when the pioneers created this union, at that time a lot of the structures put in place made a lot of sense, but it is 75 years later. You have to ask yourself challenging questions – does that structure work for us today? If it doesn’t work, do not spend anytime debating, try to figure out how to make it different,” he stated, noting that if the BWU is to make it to its 175th anniversary, these issues cannot be ignored and have to be addressed.
“The resources you have, are they enough resources to run the organisation? Is it going to meet the needs and the challenges you face in the organisation? If not, you are going to have to figure out how we will get enough resources to run our organisation,” Yussuff added.
Speaking on his own union, he stated that over the years the membership has changed to now include more women and youth, and as such it was necessary to listen to their concerns and opinions in order
to meet their needs.
Yussuff touched on the dwindling numbers attending union meetings worldwide, and asserted that communication technology must be embraced to keep the membership up-to-date on what is happening in the organisation.
“The lives of members have changed…but simply because persons do not come to a meeting does not mean that they are not interested in the union,” he highlighted.