‘Employee of the Year’, Rondelle Eastmond, was recognised for his exemplary customer service during the year. He celebrates after being awarded by ICBL Deputy CEO, Goulbourne Alleyne.
“Always ready and willing to help”; “goes out of his way to resolve issues”; “follows through to ensure each client’s satisfaction”; these are just a few of the statements made about ICBL’s 2016 “Employee of the Year”, Rondelle Eastmond.
To thunderous applause from his colleagues, the Underwriter/Claims Assessor of the Life Division was announced as the winner of the award at the Company’s recent annual Staff Awards and Christmas function by Senior Vice President – Human Resources & Customer Experience, Glenda Gilkes. She spoke about the number of commendations Rondelle received from clients in particular who took time to write letters and emails praising his excellent customer service skills.
“The number is quite staggering, with each one making specific reference to the brilliant assistance he gave to them, especially during dire situations. He exemplifies excellence through dedication to the job, commitment, reliability and is charged with a myriad of responsibilities, and is certainly deserving of this award,” said Gilkes.
Eastmond, who joined the Company’s in April of 2010, received a Carnival cruise for two, additional vacation, vouchers and spending money as a part of his prize package.
Sharing the spotlight on the day were long-service awardees, Dale Taitt, Jennifer Nowell and Yvette Branch, who each celebrated 35 years of being with the leading insurance company. The Company also recognised the runners-up for the coveted title of “Employee of the Year”, Mrs. Deborah King of the Claims Department and Ormond Haynes of the Broker Unit.
Speaking at the function, Deputy CEO, Goulbourne Alleyne, touched on the importance of such loyal staff to the long-term success of ICBL. “The dedication of the staff, years of experience, attention to detail, persistency and commitment to excellence have allowed ICBL to maintain its position as Barbados’ leading General Insurance provider and fastest growing Life and Health insurance provider. I have no doubt that this level of excellence will continue in 2017 and beyond, helping us to maintain a high customer satisfaction rating, which is critical to us staying ahead of the competition,” Alleyne stated.