Centenarian, Clement Whitstanley Holdip in conversation with Governor General, His Excellency Sir Elliott Belgrave. Looking on is daughter, Lenora Brooks and family friend, Patricia Belle.

Rector of the St. George Parish Church, Reverend John Rogers, was among those present that wished the centenarian happy birthday.
Centenarian, Clement Whitstanley Holdip had one hundred reasons to celebrate yesterday.
The date was his birthday, an occasion his daughter, Lenora Brooks, said he was looking forward to.
To mark the significant milestone, Holdip was surrounded by family and friends as well as the Rector of the St. George Parish Church, Reverend John Rogers, at his daughter’s home in Dash Valley, St. George.
To make the occasion extra special, he was visited by Governor General of Barbados, His Excellency Sir Elliott Belgrave. During his time there, His Excellency presented a fruit basket, a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and a birthday card to the centenarian. He also shared a light moment with Holdip, who recalled the names of some of this island’s past Governors General.
Brooks shared that the father of two (one child now deceased) and grandfather of two enjoys eating meals such as cou cou and soup. She also said her dad worked as a labourer at Staple Grove Plantation during his
earlier years.
Stating she felt both “happy and proud of him”, she thanked Almighty God for allowing him to see his 100th birthday. She also spoke fondly of her father.
“He was okay when we were growing up. He worked and supported us and cared for us, gave us what we wanted and we thank God for him today and I am so happy that he lived to 100 years.”
Family friend, Elaine Gooding, also expressed joy that Holdip was able to celebrate his 100th birthday.
“I feel very, very excited and overwhelmed because he has his faculties, but only thing he is deficient in sight. But other than that he is alert and everything and it is a wonderful achievement to have attained that age, having spent so much time in the past assisting others.” (MG)