Some of the members of the new Board of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) of Barbados and their family in attendance at the Mount Olive United Church of America church service yesterday. INSET: Minister Seon McKend.
THE walls in your life can be broken down.
This is one of the messages that Minister Seon McKend preached as he delivered the sermon at the Mount Olive United Church of America yesterday.
Preaching on the walls of Jericho message from the Bible, found in Joshua 6, he said that in our lives, each and every one of us would face these walls, which are obstacles that get in our way to frustrate us from progressing, and these walls vary from person to person. For some, it may be the walls of finances, for others it may be the walls of relationships, and yet for others, it may be the walls of health and well being.
And then for some it seems as if they are faced with more than one of these walls, and in spite of how many walls a person is faced with, it feels as if when you have managed to conquer one wall and break it down, another wall comes up.
However, regardless of which walls and how many of them persons are facing in their everyday lives, Minister McKend assured them that they can and will overcome these walls, because God will help them to do exactly this.
Quoting from a number of scriptural passages to support his point, he spoke of how God stated that “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” in Hebrews 13: 5, or of how “...Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Or his descendants begging bread,” found in Psalm 37:25
Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us to march forward and take possession of the things that God has in store of us. He said that this is exactly what Joshua did. When he and the rest of the Israelites were faced with the gates of Jericho, God spoke to Joshua and told him that he would deliver that city into his hands.
He said that sometimes there would be things that would prevent us from entering the land of milk and hone,y just as it was for the Israelites during that time, and we begin to question whether or not God is really in it.
However, it is important to note that just because you have hurdles does not mean that it is not of God. He said that this is what the enemy would like to convince us of, because he comes to distract us from fulfilling our mission and to ultimately destroy us.
However, just as Joshua and the Israelites were faced with a huge opposition, but they were able to overcome it, we too can do this, because with God nothing is impossible for us to overcome.