Authors, Reverend Edison Bynoe and Brenda Daniel signing copies of their book, ‘Growing Up Gloriously’, during the launch at the Mount Restaurant, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.
A local reverend has called for a greater investment to be made in this nation’s youth.
This comes from Reverend Edison Bynoe, who was at the time speaking at the launch of the book “Growing Up Gloriously”, held recently at The Mount Restaurant, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.
This text was written by Rev. Bynoe and Brenda Daniel.
Bynoe told the audience, “One of the things I want to challenge you with [is] that we need to invest in our young people,” noting that it could be an investment in the form of resources as well as finances.
Meanwhile, speaking about the book on the sidelines of this event, he said the goal of the text “is to minister to the youth of our nation.
“We commend the teachers for the work that they are doing, but we also recognise the importance of a spiritual investment that needs to be made in our young people and this book is intended to be that kind of investment.”
Also speaking about the book, Daniel explained that the motivational and inspirational text is geared towards the youth. She highlighted that it comprises “55 themes and over 600 topics. The book is divided into five categories [and] the first theme – “Themes To Edify” – covers such [topics] as ‘building self-esteem’, ‘beautiful attitudes’, ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’.”
The former acting Deputy Principal of the Christ Church Foundation School added that through the use of her book, she would like young people “to learn to love themselves, learn to love other people, learn to love God’s creation around them [and] learn to love God.”
She added that she hoped the book is used “by people who run youth groups, Sunday schools, teachers in schools [or] anyone dealing with young people. It could also be used for older people because you can adapt the message to be appropriate for whoever you want, but my main aim, goal and purpose is for young people, the teenagers.”