Operations Director at Sky Mall, Everick Eastmond is calling on individuals and businesses to not only voice their support but to show it by purchasing locally made products.
He further stated that this support should not only be given during this, the 50th anniversary of Barbados’ Independence but it should be done continually.
“I am really calling on the commercial houses and of course, the Barbadian public to really show support, particularly in this year [but] not just in this year but forever because we really need to expose the talents of the people in Barbados and to make sure that there products are seen as good quality products in the marketplace and that we as Barbadians would like to have them in our houses and use them however it is [or for] whatever purpose we buy them for.”
His comments came while speaking to the media on the side-lines of the final presentation for the Sky Mall Summer Promotion on Saturday. Priscus Howell was the grand prize winner while Janelle Gill and Nicholas Croney received the second and third prizes respectively.
Eastmond stated that individuals visiting Sky Mall have an opportunity to obtain locally made products when they pop into Barbadiana Discovered Treasures.
“We have an indigenous shop here it is called, Barbadiana and they have over 350 different items all made by Barbadian craftsmen and entrepreneurs. So we are really encouraging people not just to talk support but show support and… there are nearly 50 to 55 entrepreneurs and 90 percent of them are women.” (MG)