In spite of resistance from some quarters, government will continue to bring all of its major revenue collection agencies under the Barbados Revenue Authority.
Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development, Donville Inniss, made this abundantly clear yesterday as he delivered the feature address at the opening of a three-day Regional Consultation on the Caricom Strategy for Regional Implementation of the World Trade Organisation’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, at the Radission Aquatica Resort.
“Whilst there will be pockets of resistance to change, I am satisfied that the decision of the Government of Barbados – of which I am part – has made the right decision in respect of establishing the BRA and bringing the major revenue collection agencies under one body. Each one of us may not get exactly what we want, but I urge those still in doubt to look at the big picture. This island needs to settle down and get on with some serious work,” he insisted.
Moments earlier, Inniss was speaking to those gathered, on the island’s progress with the implementation of the ASYCUDA World and the Electronic Single Window, noting that the modernisation project of the Barbados Customs and Excise Department involved major legislative, organisational and technical upgrades to the Customs machinery and operating software in Barbados.
The minister highlighted the government’s aim to make its operations more efficient and effective as it sought to promote competition; strengthen its revenue collection capabilities; reduce congestion at the ports of entry; speed up legitimate trade and enhance the protection of borders – and by extension, communities.
“In essence, the Government of Barbados has defined its single window policy and strategy. A feasibility study and master plan for implementing the single window has been completed. The national legislation for readiness has been assessed for the single window
implementation which should be rolled out in the first quarter of 2017,” Inniss continued. (JMB)