“I AM grateful to be here and I am privileged to be alive and well.”
Those words of gratitude were expressed by Minister of the Environment and Drainage, Dr. Denis Lowe, as he led off debate in the Lower Chamber on Tuesday on a Resolution for the Barbados Green Economy Scoping Study.
Dr. Lowe, who was hospitalised for an unspecified period and did not go into detail about his illness, said he was happy to have the opportunity to lead the discourse in the Honourable Chamber.
“Those who were concerned to wish me well during the few days I wasn’t feeling well, I am grateful to them for their support and continued watchfulness over one another,” he stated.
Saying that he wanted to place his gratitude on public record, he also thanked the doctors and nurses on ward A5 and A6. “For the tremendous work that they did during my stay and continue to do on the behalf of the Government and people of Barbados,” he added.
“I was totally enthralled by the depth of commitment to care not only towards me, but as I observed other patients, it was a blessing to see that in spite of all the distractions that we hear from time to time these professionals continue to demonstrate the highest quality of patient care that you can find anywhere in the world,” the Minister further pointed out.
“Sometimes the circumstances under which they deliver this care can be trying, but they continue to do their work and to do their work well and I want to take this opportunity to place on record my gratitude to these wonderful patriots of Barbados in the healthcare profession,” he said.