Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Senator Harcourt Husbands.
During a Speech Day ceremony held at the Grantley Adams Memorial School, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Senator Harcourt Husbands, advised all awardees to be prepared.
Keeping the day’s theme, “Preparing Today’s Youth, Celebrating Achievements: Ascending to Heights Unknown”, the senator gave a brief life lesson regarding future success. “The key word for me in that theme is ‘Preparing’, we can all attempt to ascend to heights known and unknown, but we will not be successful without careful preparation,” he stated.
Senator Husbands continued to explain that very few things in life happen by chance, but require hard preparation. “We in this region and in this island, we have two of the most successful young people in the entire world… I speak of our own Rihanna and Usain Bolt and they have been successful, not by chance, not by someone giving them a break, but by careful and hard preparation.”
Husbands implored, “If you get the opportunity, watch the Digicel movie, ‘I Am Bolt’ and see the level of preparation that he undertakes before he enters any event or [look at] our own Rihanna, whom is known as the hardest working woman in show business… So as it is for them, it is for you, that preparation is the key to your success.
“I am convinced from what I have seen today and from the Principal’s report that you are on the right track and I want to congratulate all of you prize winners, those who participated in the band, and the theatre arts group. Today is your day; I want you to enjoy all of your successes and I look forward to even more successes in the future,” added the Senator as he closed. (PRF)