At 27-years-old, Jelani Payne, like many young people has survived and graduated university. However, unlike his colleagues, Jelani decided to give a bit of encouragement to those who are taking that critical step in their lives, by writing a book about campus life.
The book which is entitled “Survive, Thrive & Stay Alive in College” was launched on Monday at The Days Bookstore, and is also available in e-copy on This young author and University of the West Indies alumnus studied Mechanical Engineering, AAS Electronics & Computer Engineering and worked in a number of areas such as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Submersibles and Marine Management; and presently he is in the field of Energy Management Solutions.
Jelani explained that he was a bit of a bookworm who in his youth enjoyed books like “Hardy Boys”, “Enid Blyton”, “Nancy Drew” and “Archie” comics. With his love of reading and books, this project did not intimidate him but it needed a high degree of commitment. The book which he started two years ago is the “ultimate college survival guide”. He said it is a book which does not tell people what to do but examines the benefits and opportunities of college life which can enhance your personal and professional lives. For Jelani, college or university should be an enjoyable experience.
“[University] is some place that you give a lot to. You should give a lot more of yourself on campus – that is the striving part,” said Jelani. Based on his research and understanding the needs of his audiences, Jelani said that the book is compact and succinct without the promotion of cultural ideologies and extensive reading, as many students do not have the time to read large texts. It is separated into three sections – “Survive”, which looks at the many challenges of university life; criticism of lecturers and students, mid-terms, exams and the transition into adapting their new environment (“Strive” and “Staying Alive”).
Of the three University of West Indies’ campuses, St. Augustine was where he spent his academic career. Jelani said some of the biggest changes for him when he moved to Trinidad were the differences in the food; the unique way people celebrated public holidays; the diversity of the campus, and the need to practice safety when travelling around the country. He drew on his experiences to form the various chapters in his book, and as to the writing, it was challenging but it was ultimately rewarding.
Jelani elucidated that he used the framework of his final year thesis to design his book. He commended the support of John Goddard and Carol Pitt of Caribbean Chapters Publishers who assisted him throughout the writing, drafting, designing and publishing process. Jelani said he felt a great accomplishment writing the book, which over time he embraced and enjoyed doing.
Since publishing the book, Jelani has given back by providing copies of the book to students.