Sandals Barbados local representatives, L-R Crystal Holder, Devere Savoury, Petria Barrow, Samuel Skeete, Demar Robinson, Tamara Cumberbatch, Shayne Belgrave, Latoya Elcock and Shane Alleyne.
SANDALS Barbados has selected a talented nine-member team to represent the island at the company’s ultimate talent event to be held in Ochi Rios, late September, dubbed the “Sandals Festival of the Arts”.
They are models, Samuel Skeete (Bar) and Latoya Elcock (Dining Room); vocalists, Devere Savoury (Stewarding) and Crystal Holder (Dining Room); spoken word artiste, Petria Barrow (Resort Shop); dancer, Tamara Cumberbatch (Dining Room);
instrumentalist, Shane Alleyne (Entertainment); and dance duo, Demar Robinson (Butler Service) and Shayne Belgrave (Spa & Fitness).
The annual event, previously titled “ENCORE”, stands as a platform for Sandals’ team talents from across the Caribbean to embrace a plethora of creative and cultural expressions over a one-week period at the Sandals Ochi Beach Resort in Jamaica.
Joel Ryan, Group Manager of Entertainment explained, “Every year Sandals mounts a platform for our employees to showcase their talent. For thirteen years ENCORE (Entertainment Now Creating Opportunities Rewarding Excellence) represented a talent event focussed on song, dance, modelling and vocals unearthing remarkable talent from a wide cross section of departments.
“However, the diversity that exists was no longer reflected by the event’s name and it is now time for us to evolve.
“By rebranding it as Sandals Festival of the Arts, I do believe that this is quite suitable for the experience we are embarking on with this new journey.
“Festivals are solid representations of a people’s culture, tradition and heritage and this is what the Sandals Festival of the Arts – though competitive in nature – is all about,” Ryan said.
Twenty Sandals Barbados team members competed in the local leg of the competition for their chance to represent the hotel in the areas of Male and Female Model, Male and Female Vocalist, Spoken Word, Solo Dance, Dance Duo and Instrumental