Jenique Belgrave
The Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) has completed its goal of cleaning 50 beaches as part of its contribution to the celebrations of this island’s Golden Jubilee.
On Saturday, the organization invited individuals and groups to its special Independence beach cleanup at Walkers Beach, St. Andrew, Cattlewash Beach, St. Joseph, Bottom Bay, St. Phillip, Harris Smith Beach, St. Phillip and Consett Bay, St. John.
While not yet able to say how much was collected on Saturday’s event, National Coordinator of the Barbados Chapter of CYEN Sade Deane told The Barbados Advocate that the organization would soon announce the overall tally as to just how many pounds of garbage were removed from the 50 beaches over the duration of the venture.
While she had previously noted that most of the waste collected on some beaches included single-use plastic food items including straws, cups, plates, forks and spoons, she said that on other beaches, wine bottles and cigarette butts were an issue.
Reminding Barbadians of the importance of keeping beaches clean, she insisted that too much waste was making its way into the sea, heavily impacting on the fragile marine ecosystem.
In addition, Deane admitted that while the message was getting through as some Barbadians were being responsible and packing up the bigger items to dispose of them responsibly, smaller articles like bottle caps and straws were being left behind and having unintended outcomes.
“There is a video circulating with a turtle that had a straw lodged in its nose that shows how these small things can have a big impact,” she stressed.
Deane also extended a big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped in the clean-up efforts.